miss velvet cream invites you to the AMAZING! Chillin' Holiday Show!
FASHION + ART MARKET MAYHEM! Bring your Ca$H and giftlist!
miss velvet cream will have GIFT CERTIFICATES available for purchase as well.....
Chillin' Producer Irene Hernandez-Feiks : Mittenmaker Designer Alissa Anderson
miss velvet cream Designer Scatha G Allison : Nicacelly Designer Nicole Merkoff
Chillin’ Productions annual Holiday show!
200 Painters/Photographers
80 fashion Designers
Video Installations
Live Painting by:
Rachel Znerold
Jasper Thomas
Rob Harris
Daryoush Bahar
Music by:
DJ Felina (www.djfelina.com <http://www.djfelina.com> )
Dirtyhertz (www.dirtyhertz.com <http://www.dirtyhertz.com> )
Rondo Brothers (www.rondobrothers.com <http://www.rondobrothers.com> )
LARON (http://www.myspace.com/laronakaswan <http://www.myspace.com/laronakaswan> )
Terbo Ted (http://www.terboted.com/)
Irene Hernandez-Feiks (www.chillinproductions.com <http://www.chillinproductions.com> )
+ more
200 Painters/Photographers
80 fashion Designers
Video Installations
Live Painting by:
Rachel Znerold
Jasper Thomas
Rob Harris
Daryoush Bahar
Music by:
DJ Felina (www.djfelina.com <http://www.djfelina.com> )
Dirtyhertz (www.dirtyhertz.com <http://www.dirtyhertz.com> )
Rondo Brothers (www.rondobrothers.com <http://www.rondobrothers.com> )
LARON (http://www.myspace.com/laronakaswan <http://www.myspace.com/laronakaswan> )
Terbo Ted (http://www.terboted.com/)
Irene Hernandez-Feiks (www.chillinproductions.com <http://www.chillinproductions.com> )
+ more

When: December 4, 2010
Where: Mezzanine
444 Jessie Street, SF CA 94103
(www.mezzaninesf.com <http://www.mezzaninesf.com> )
$10 at the door
Must be 21 + ID
For more details go to
www.chillinproductions.com <http://www.chillinproductions.com>
www.mezzaninesf.com <http://www.mezzaninesf.com>
Where: Mezzanine
444 Jessie Street, SF CA 94103
(www.mezzaninesf.com <http://www.mezzaninesf.com> )
$10 at the door
Must be 21 + ID
For more details go to
www.chillinproductions.com <http://www.chillinproductions.com>
www.mezzaninesf.com <http://www.mezzaninesf.com>
Thank you to our great sponsors:
Wonderland SF (www.wonderlandsf.com <http://www.wonderlandsf.com>
SF Weekly (www.sfweekly.com <http://www.sfweekly.com> )
Nitevibe (www.nitevibe.com <http://www.nitevibe.com> )
Metrowize (www.metrowize.com <http://www.metrowize.com> )
Yelp (www.yelp.com <http://www.yelp.com> )
Lolo Restaurant (www.lolosf.com <http://www.lolosf.com> )
Nitewise (www.nitewise.com <http://www.nitewise.com> )
Heratbaker (www.theheartbaker.com <http://www.theheartbaker.com> )
Specchio Restaurant ( www.ristorantespecchio.com <http://www.ristorantespecchio.com> )
Until there is a cure (www.until.org <http://www.until.org> )
Breast Cancer Emergency Fund (www.bcef-sf.org <http://www.bcef-sf.org> )
This Old Bag (http://tob.bcef-sf.org/)
San Francisco Women’s Film Festival (www.sfwff.com <http://www.sfwff.com> )
AIDS Emergency Fund (www.aef-sf.org <http://www.aef-sf.org> )
Ipling (www.ipling.com <http://www.ipling.com> )
111 Minna Gallery (www.111minnagallery.com <http://www.111minnagallery.com> )
Secession Art and Design (www.secessionsf.com <http://www.secessionsf.com> )
Spork Restaurant (sporksf.com)
Addiction Hair Salon (www.addictionhairsalon.com <http://www.addictionhairsalon.com> )
Lucid Beauty (www.lucidbeauty.com <http://www.lucidbeauty.com> )
Hair Play (www.hairplay.com <http://www.hairplay.com> )
Access Institute for psychological services (www.accessinst.org <http://www.accessinst.org> )
The Innovative Fashion Council of San Francisco (www.ifcsf.com <http://www.ifcsf.com> )
Mosio (www.mosio.com <http://www.mosio.com> )
Ladybrille (www.ladybrille.com <http://www.ladybrille.com> )
Legend Magazine (www.legendmag.net <http://www.legendmag.net> )
Mars Bar (www.marsbarsf.com <http://www.marsbarsf.com> ) RAG (www.ragsf.com <http://www.ragsf.com> )
Primo Promotes (www.primopromotes.com <http://www.primopromotes.com> )
Hope Flight Foundation (www.hopeflightfoundation.org <http://www.hopeflightfoundation.org> )
Nomadika (www.nomadika.com <http://www.nomadika.com> )
Blowfish Sushi (www.blowfishsushi.com <http://www.blowfishsushi.com> )