miss velvet cream will be there with Mittenmaker + Nicacelly! Doors at 8pm! Come and PLAY!
Chillin' Productions Present
50 Fashion Designers
Live music by: Hot Challenge
5 DJ's (DJ Felina, Rondo Brothers Dirtyhertz, Laron, Irene Hernandez-Feiks)
Featured new works by
Maxwell Loren Holyoke-Hirsch, Zacgart Rossman, Aiyana Udensen, Matthew
Palladino, Cody Cochrane, James Blagden
When: Saturday March 7, 2009
Where: 111 Gallery, SF
$7 at the door
Must be 21+ ID
For more info go to:
Live music by: Hot Challenge
DJ Felina (www.djfelina.com)
Rondo Brothers (www.rondobrothers.com)
Dirtyhertz (www.dirtyhertz.com)
LARON (http://www.myspace.com/laronakaswan)
DJ Irene Hernandez-Feiks (www.chillinproductions.com)
Also Check out our favorite t-shirt blogg
Thank you to our great sponsors:
7x7 Magazine (www.7x7mag.com)
SF Weekly (www.sfweekly.com)
UNSCENE urban navigator (www.unscene.com)
Triple Crown (www.triplecrownsf.com)
Yelp (www.yelp.com)
Nitevive (www.nitevibe.com)
Nitewise (www.nitewise.com)
Vanderkitten (www.vanderkitten.com)
Breast Cancer Emergency Fund (www.bcef-sf.org)
This Old Bag (http://tob.bcef-sf.org)
AIDS Emergency Fund (www.aef-sf.org)
Ipling (www.ipling.com)
LatinLounge.tv (www.LatinLounge.tv)
111 Minna Gallery (www.111minnagallery.com)
Spork Restaurant (sporksf.com)
Addiction Hair Salon (www.addictionhairsalon.com)
Lucid Beauty (www.lucidbeauty.com)
Hair Play (www.hairplay.com)
Access Institute for psychological services (www.accessinst.org)
The Innovative Fashion Council of San Francisco (www.ifcsf.com)
Style Industry (www.styleindustry.com)
Mosio (www.mosio.com)
Ladybrille (www.ladybrille.com)
Legend Magazine (www.legendmag.net)
Red Poppy Art House (www.redpoppyarthouse.org)
Mars Bar (www.marsbarsf.com)
Ovahere (www.ovahere.com)
Thread Show (www.threadshow.com)
RAG (www.ragsf.com)
Stitch Lounge (www.stitchlounge.com)
Dirtyhertz (www.dirtyhertz.com)
Primo Promotes (www.primopromotes.com)
Nofu ( www.nofu.com)
House of Dolores Moore
Hope Flight Foundation (www.hopeflightfoundation.org)
Nomadika (www.nomadika.com)
Fashionbliss (www.fashionbliss.com)
Jules Beauty (www.julesmakeupsf.com)
Blowfish Sushi (www.blowfishsushi.com)
Porcelynne (www.porcelynne.com)
Ibarra Knight Photography (www.ibarraknight.com)
Monavie (www.monavie.com/%5F/controller.html)
Sebeka Wines (Wines of South Africa)