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www.jean-therapy.nethowever, focus is not a prerequisiteCAN U DIG IT?all these photos by SAUL
Featured in the Oakland Tribune, Friday, August 22, 2008.
See you at the show!READ THE ARTICLE[photo Warren DiFranco Hsu from the Jean Therapy series]
this is a show of first-times for me. first all-jean-therapy show, and i hand-picked the models from the local alameda modeling agency, there's a pro makeup and hair team on site for the chola-theme look, there's a musician writing a custom piece for my show segment, i won't hear it until the day of the show, i've not even met the producer in person yet! the show is at autobody fine art, a gallery in alameda, near where i used to live in fruitvale, near the vulcan. i'm doing the finale mini-show in the middle of a mad mad reception for a fantastical collection of visual and 3-D artists, all curated by the darling jacqueline cooper, who owns autobody fine art.
it's going to be an experience of extremes and experimentations. mostly because all the mvc usual suspects are either playa-bound [i'll be passing on that, thanks] or will be joined in memory of the incredible and now immortal russ hahn. [blessed be the passing]
i'm delighted to be part of this fantasticalness, and i'd like to invite you! to the show, especially you east bay freaks. regardless, i'm excited to present in jackie's gallery and as part of this most amazing show. it's an honor to be among such a great collection of new talent.
[photo from jean therapy series by warren difranco hsu]
Details for the evening..........!
What: The second annual "WhatYouSee Galore!" spectacle juxtaposes visual arts and sound for your sensory enjoyment.
When: Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. doors open.
Where: Autobody Fine Art Gallery : 1517 Park Street: Alameda, CA [that's the East Bay!]
Who: A collaboration of Bay Area artists, fashion designers, and musicians.
Featured artists include: Brett Amory, Davie Crockett, Robyn Engel, Adam Friedman, Daniel Healey, Helena Hseih, Raymie Iadevaia, Monika Jones, Mary Anne Kluth, Elise Mahan, Christine Monohan, Claudia Morales, Ernesto Ortiz, Eddie Ross, Task1, Noel Taylor, Bryan Von Reuter, Peter Walker, Annie Wong and Jaci Zacamy.
Fashion Designers: loose thread, Marichuy Reynoso, miss velvet cream featuring Jean Therapy
Beauty: Alameda Beauty College and Stephanie Gutierrez
Models: Norma Payton Henning School of Modeling
Music: Alorahset, The Mess, Ali Johnston, and Dj Davu
Alameda—On August 23, 2008 a collaboration of Bay Area artists and fashion designers reveal art as both a creative medium and a stimulating experience. Through installation, painting, video, printmaking, sculpture, fashion, live music performance, and more, the influences of Funk, Figurative, and Mission School artists are traced and celebrated by the opulent variety of work emerging on both sides of the Bay Bridge. "WhatYouSee Galore!" brings together Bay Area artists to display the wide range of creativity to the community of Alameda as an art form in and of itself.
* a little note : Jacqueline Cooper is my "graduate" painting instructor, the original schemer of art events, which i had the honor of producing with her : Rebellion, Resistance, and Death [Feb 2005] and Under Construction 1 [July 2005]. The conceptual design and guiding principles of the entire Under Construction Project sprang, fully-formed, with cross-referenced art history and pop culture roadsigns, from her head. Ultimate Mistress of Theory. And a damn good painter.
I'm really delighted to be showing in her gallery. Kudos, Jax!

[how's that for the longest title EVER?] but though i'm not going to burning man this year, i'm taking all the fabulousness and civilization and sunshine!!!! that i enjoyed in europe and putting it into every piece i make this year for the playa-bound among you! curious? i'll be posting previews here monday. but until then, come by sunday to mighty! for a day-show, wednesday evening to the BUS stop gallery for a quicky trunk and then sunday for 9 hours! to the prepare for the playa magic, estar [hats] and i will be outside in the [please!] sunshine, and i'll be giving a quickie on the "perfect playa wardrobe" for you 1st-timers. both estar + i will have great stuff in the raffle as well..... alright, all this info is available on my website under the "events" page as well..... hope to see you out at one, or all, of these great events. a final note, i'm taking on assistants for the next 2 weeks, i pay in clothing credit by the hour. if you're tight on the dollar but roomy on time, email me! missvelvetcream@gmail.comTRUNK SHOWS!
August 10: Beyond the Fence : MIGHTY, SFPlease join us for a very unique sale coming up on Sunday August 10th @ Mighty!San Francisco's finest independent designers are gathering together to bring youthe freshest design for both on and off the playa. Special bike decoration stationprovided along with beats both inside and outside!August 10th, Sunday2:00 - 8:00 pmMighty - 119 Utah Street (between Alameda St. and 15th Street)San FranciscoFree AdmissionDJs for the day...Rob Green, P-Dub, Ernie Trevino, Influence, Syd, F'kir, Shameless djs, more tba...Featuring:miss velvet cream - www.missvelvetcream.comBad Unkl Sista - badunklsista.comBunnywarez - bunnywarez.comDomini - clothingarchitect.comE-Star Hats - www.estar.etsy.comFati Beloved - Jewelry - fluidance.comInvisible Hero Industries - Reality - mediumreality.comMiranda Caroligne - mirandacaroligne.comModa Sandrita - modasandrita.etsy.comPallas Ravae - pallasravae.comSilver Lucy Design - silverlucydesign.comSwirlspace Hemp Wear - swirlspace.comTamo Design - tamodesign.comVagadu - experiencevagadu.comMany more tba....
MID-WEEK MADNESS AT THE BUS STOP GALLERYCrucial gear for that big ol' festival in the desert.Plus all the yummies you've come to expect.Wednesday, August 13th6pm-10pmthe Bus Stop gallery135 Dore StSan Francisco, CAFeaturing...Bad Unkl SistaCallibug DesignsDarina DrapkinE-Star HatsFati BelovedJoseph Valliere (top hats and more)GibbousHooliehoop & Miss RosieMedium RealityMinerva's Antennamiss velvet creamTamo DesignVagaduWeyakaTHE BIG BANG! PREPARE FOR THE PLAYA SUNDAY AUGUST 17 ALL DAY! AT CAFE COCOMO!!!!
Prepare for the Playa!!!One of the BIGGEST, most PROMOTED Playa sales this season!!The kids over at Prepare for the Playa have been working up to this one for the last 3 months, so if you haven't heard about them yet, it's high time you did!!SUNDAY, AUGUST 17thPrepare for the Playa1pm-10pm (NINE HOURS!!)at CAFE COCOMO650 Indiana Street (between 18th and 19th Street)SAN FRANCISCOTHE BURN IS ALMOST UPON US...THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO PREP WITH YOUR LOCAL BURNER-PRENUERS!Connecting you to what you need to be prepared for the burn from the people that know!Fashion shows, RAFFLE, Music, Performances, Playa 'U' How to Clinics + so much more! !!!August 17th FREE ENTRY!!!40 + BURNER Vendor & Designers THE BIGGEST AND BEST COMBINATION OF VENDORS YET!!Lights and EL wire, fuzzy furs, funky fashions and sexy costumes, goggles, lighted toys and poi, playa functional products and lots of super fun unique items to get you ready for your journey HOME!NEW FOR AUGUST: ART BENEFIT Raffle! The Prepare for the Playa vendors and designers have generously donated a wide variety of funky, fun and functional stuff for the playa that you can win! Come and buy a raffle ticket that benefits art on the playa... and WIN awesome prizes like...*Snake wire from Micheal’s Light Toys*Furkini from Wild on the Inside*Fuzzy Bear Hood from Foxy Monster*Furry Utility Pouch from Cinder Garden Designs*GlowFur Boa from Glow Fur*Camo pants with red fur trim from Annie Land*Multi-colored Light Spaceship from Lasers & Lights*Action Wipes and Sports Spray Cooling Mist from Action Wipes*Knee Socks and armwarmers from Rock N Socks*Furr Shrug from FurrPlay*Dress from Fati Beloved*3 Piece Latex Accessory Set from Sinthetex*Wings from Every Blasie Designs*Coin Scarf from Sparkle Plenty Creations*Hat from Ester’s Hats*Goggles and dust masks from Gadgitron’s Goggles and Masks*Men’s hoodie from Heathen*Wool Dread Falls from Nif Naks*Fly Pants from Fire Fly Style*T-shirts from Jan Hilmer*PodBelt Set with belt, 2 pouches and 2 clip on accessories from Podbelts*Feather Hair Comb from Minerva’s Antennae*Tubular Hair Falls from MelZ Designs*and more ....Funky Fashion Shows at 4pm & 8pm!!Showing the funkiest, most eclectic, unique and hard to find playa products and fashions to give you inspiration and ideas to get you ready for the Burn! Prepare for the PlayaSunday, August 17th1pm-10pm atCafe Cocomo 650 Indiana Street,!!!FREE ENTRY!!!Playa DJ mixes all day and special guest, DJ Shawna (El Circo) closes the night! Live performances by Burner All Stars in Poi, Staff and Hoop!Playa 'U' How to Clinics and Demonstrations all day on not just surviving on the playa...but THRIVING on the playa!Lotus Vodka $5 Cocktails all day like Strawberry Mojitos, Cucumber Basil cocktails all made with fresh fruits and ingredients!Try a Lotus Vodka Tastings before you buy!BE THE ART!! Playa wear strongly encouraged!Prepare for the Playa would like to thank our sponsors for their promotional support to make these events possible:Five & Diamond http://www.fiveanddiamond.comNitevibe http://www.nitevibe.comMetrowize http://www.metrowize.comLotus Vodka http://www.lotusvodka.comNicole Presents http://www.nicolepresents.comWild on the Inside http://www.wildontheinside.comlove to tiffa..............